O Pretends To Be B for the Violent Admiral – Chapter 88: The Secretary, Commanding Officer

The H6 battleship carrying Luo Ran had been hijacked.

Luo Ran gripped the command station with his hands and did not speak.

He was the only one in the command room. Wang Qiuyang and Rong An had left.

It seemed that someone had used another command room, or had set the timing earlier. At this moment, communication between the battleship and the outside world was completely cut off, and it moved uncontrollable toward the pier where the cargo was located.

The interception of the communications system proved that a distress signal had not been sent out, and Wang Qiuyang and the others had not come.

Luo Ran tapped the command station lightly with his fingers. After a while, Wang Ruicheng came in.

— Armed.

“Secretary Luo, please cooperate.” Wang Ruicheng stood not far away, holding a rifle. He pointed the weapon at Luo Ran and said: “We don’t want to hurt you.”

Everyone knew how capable Luo Ran was, so Wang Ruicheng didn’t dare to step forward at this moment, for fear of Luo Ran’s counterattack.

“Wang Ruicheng, you’ve given your life to the star pirates. Does your cousin know?” Luo Ran raised his eyebrows and said: “Adjutant Wang has worked hard for the Admiral and the Empire, and the Wang family is deeply trusted by the Admiral. When it comes to stabbing the Empire in the back, what is the difference between you and Cyril?”

Wang Ruicheng’s expression froze, and he said sharply: “People seek a way up just as water seeks its way down!”

Luo Ran shook his head and said: “For a soldier, this is truly shameful.”

Soldiers swore an oath and received training. Wasn’t a soldier’s betrayal a slap in the face for Lucas and the Empire?

“Secretary Luo, be at peace!” Wang Ruicheng waved the gun in his hand.

Luo Ran had always been gentle and kind, but for some reason, he still had a subtle vigor and inviolable prestige.

Maybe it was because he had been with Lucas for a long time, maybe it was because he still had pheromones from Lucas, the top Alpha in the Empire, or maybe it was due to his own ability.  Others knew that Luo Ran was kind, but they didn’t dare to be presumptuous in front of him.

At this moment, Wang Ruicheng, as an Alpha, was overwhelmed by Luo Ran’s Omega aura and felt a little unstable.


The door was pushed open. Rong An came in, and was stunned at the scene in front of him. 

“Adjutant Rong.” Luo Ran said: “Please inform Adjutant Wang to send reinforcements quickly. Don’t worry about me. He doesn’t dare kill me.”

Rong An stood there unmoving.

“Hahahaha……” Wang Ruicheng said with a laugh: “Secretary Luo! Rong An is my contact!”

— Rong An and Wang Ruicheng were minions of the star pirates.

Luo Ran didn’t speak.

Rong An also didn’t say anything. He was Luo Xingyuan’s adjutant, so he naturally had feelings for Luo Xingyuan and Luo Ran.

Luo Ran sat down and said: “Who are you taking me to?”

The purpose of this hijacking was already very clear — to take him away.

“You’ll know when you get there.”

. . . . . . .

The warship landed in less than ten minutes and established contact with another warship that had been stationed here.

Wang Ruicheng kept Luo Ran in the control room while Rong An went out to greet someone.

Everyone in the ship was brought down, and it could be said that they were on their own without any backup.

“Secretary Luo, please go out.”

Luo Ran was escorted to the deck of the other battleship. When he saw its owner, he paused slightly.

“Secretary Luo.”

First Prince Zhou Mingyu stood to the side and nodded toward Luo Ran.

“Please believe that I have no malicious intentions.” Zhou Mingyu smiled and said: “Secretary Luo, as long as you don’t resist, we will not hurt you.”

Luo Ran observed for a moment and saw that Zhou Mingyu’s battleship was full of his own personal soldiers……and star pirates.

Luo Ran wasn’t in the main control room and didn’t know the structure of the battleship, but there were star pirates on the ship the First Prince escaped in, which proved that Lucas’s guess was correct.

After Zhou Mingyu escaped, he made a deal with the star pirates. Presumably he had given the star pirates what they wanted, whether that be materials for the Meteor Showers or money, and the star pirates gave him a hand and protected him when he left.

Only, Zhou Mingyu had escaped directly, but now he had taken a lot of trouble to return.

“It seems that my value is rather high.” Luo Ran chuckled.

“Secretary Luo, from my point of view, these words have two meanings.” Zhou Mingyu invited Luo Ran to sit down in the ship’s reception room.

Rong An and Wang Ruicheng stood behind Luo Ran, one on the left and one on the right.

“First, you are indeed very valuable because you can control the battle situation — and you are the only one Lucas can be threatened with. Secondly, to me, you are……” Zhou Mingyu paused, and said with a half-smile: “I feel that you are very valuable in my heart.”

Luo Ran lowered his eyes with a smile, but didn’t respond.

“Secretary Luo, I am not here for profit this time. I know you won’t believe me, but I’m mostly here for you.” Sitting opposite Luo Ran, Zhou Mingyu poured wine for him. “I picked you up in order to save you.”

“Did you think I would die under a Meteor Shower if I met up with the Admiral?” Luo Ran raised an eyebrow. “Your Highness, you have too little confidence in the Admiral.”

“It has nothing to do with confidence. No one can escape the Meteor Shower. No one.” Zhou Mingyu said: “The Admiral’s fate will eventually be the same as Admiral Alton’s.”

Luo Ran smiled and said: “That’s right, the Admiral is brave and good at fighting. He is loyal to his country and his comrades. Like Admiral Alton, he will be an admiral who goes down in history. He is straightforward and honest, naturally different from the rats in the gutter.”

Luo Ran’s tone was still gentle and smiling, but when he touched on the topic of Lucas, his tone became sharper.

Zhou Mingyu paused, but didn’t take offense. He just said: “Secretary Luo will understand later.”

“As for why I gambled on returning this time, Secretary Luo will understand in the future.”

“I think I still won’t quite understand.” Luo Ran chuckled. “I’m not capable of understanding.”

“Secretary Luo may have grown accustomed to the Admiral.” Zhou Mingyu held his wine glass and drank slowly. “Lucas has the mind of a soldier. He thinks that the safety of the soldiers and the common people is the top priority, but I am a strategist, and if I have to give something up to gain something, I will consider it more.”

Luo Ran said: “Please don’t compare yourself to the Admiral.”

The implication was that the First Prince couldn’t compare to Lucas at all, and didn’t even deserve to touch his toes.

Zhou Mingyu looked at Luo Ran, and his eyes dimmed.

No matter how good his temper was and how he strove to maintain his smile, it was somewhat difficult.

After Luo Ran bluntly refused that day, Zhou Mingyu truly lost control of his emotions. Therefore, he ignored the monitoring devices and directly attacked Yuan Han, which kickstarted the beginning of his downfall.

Zhou Mingyu thought to himself, just go all in.

In any case, he wanted Luo Ran.

No matter what, he must have him.

Zhou Mingyu thought he must be crazy, but it had already come to this point. Even if he must force himself upon him, he must have him.

Originally, Luo Ran would have been his.

It was he who personally pushed Luo Ran toward Lucas.

He had initially wanted to drug Lucas and let Zhou Mingzhu and a woman deal with Lucas in rut, but he didn’t expect it to be Luo Ran in the end.

He had contributed to this with his own hands.

Zhou Minyu grasped the armrests of his chair tightly.

“Rong An, Ruicheng.” Zhou Mingyu glanced at Luo Ran. “Tie up Secretary Luo.”


Wang Ruiching took a deep breath and rolled up his sleeves. He couldn’t beat Luo Ran, but there were several people here, so he should be fine.


However, in the next moment, something unexpected happened.

Wang Ruicheng likely never expected it. Before he could make a move, Rong An beside him suddenly knocked him down with one punch. Then his hands were wrenched behind his back, and he was subdued to his knees by Rong An.

Wang Ruicheng cursed, and was knocked unconscious by Rong An when he tried to resist, falling to the floor.

At the same time, Luo Ran also jumped up and took the gun thrown to him by Rong An. He rushed toward Zhou Mingyu, who was unprepared, and wrapped his arm around his neck, pointing the muzzle of the gun to his temple.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Mingyu only sensed the scene in front of him flicker before coming back to his senses — Wang Ruicheng was held down by Rong An, and he was being threatened by Luo Ran.

Zhou Mingyu hesitated for a long moment, then looked at Rong An and said: “You hid…..very deeply.”

Rong An’s habitually indifferent expression changed for a rare moment. He smiled: “Good game.”

Rong An was an undercover agent placed by the star pirates into the Empire.

And Rong An’s real identity was someone whom the Empire arranged to work with the star pirates, a spy who won their trust. He cooperated with other undercover agents in order to capture the real traitor — Wang Ruicheng.

He was deep undercover.

Rong An and Luo Xingyuan were originally the same rank, but the latter was promoted because of Luo Ran, so Rong An became his adjutant.

Rong An’s temperament was overly cold, and he didn’t seem to be close to Luo Xingyuan, so the outside world thought he had a grudge like many others back then, looking down on Luo Xingyuan, a commander who relied on connections.

But Rong An was also a person who grew up with Luo Xingyuan, who fought alongside him, just like Lu Cheng and Wang Qiuyang were adjutants who grew up alongside Lucas.

Even at such a time, Zhou Mingyu didn’t panic. He just smiled bitterly and said: “I……seem to have been tricked?”

Luo Ran said with a smile: “Why else would the Admiral have arranged Rong An for me?”

Zhou Mingyu understood.

Pulling the snake from its hole, catching the turtle in a jar…..killing two birds with one stone.

Not only was the undercover agent caught before the battle, but Zhou Mingyu was also drawn out.

He had miscalculated again with Luo Ran.

It was Yuan Han before, but now……

He returned to the capital for Luo Ran, but fell into Luo Ran’s net.

Zhou Mingyu thought to himself, no wonder Luo Ran’s location was leaked so easily.

It turned out that he was waiting for him.

Zhou Mingyu raised his eyebrows and said: “The Admiral was actually willing to let you use yourself as bait like this.”

Luo Ran smiled and said nothing.

It was because Lucas trusted him.

Lucas not only regarded him as a partner, but as a comrade-in-arms.

Lucas didn’t see him as a delicate Omega, and trusted him from before until now.

This made Luo Ran proud and confident.

After a few more minutes of being at a stalemate, they heard a commotion outside.

“Enemy attack! There’s an enemy attack!”

“Everyone get ready! Protect His Highness!”

The alarms sounded.

Wang Qiuyang came with reinforcements.

Held by Luo Ran, Zhou Mingyu sighed and said in a low voice: “It’s a pity. Since Rong An is one of yours, it is likely that the Admiral will be fine.”

Zhou Mingyu closed his eyes slightly.

He was already aware of his fate.

No matter how hard he tried to escape, he would eventually be taken back by the reinforcements. This time, he would likely be thrown directly into prison.

He was so tired.

Zhou Mingyu carefully put his hand into his pocket, where there was a small controller inside.



Soon after, the entire battleship detonated.

The moment the flames hit, Luo Ran reacted swiftly and knocked Zhou Mingyu unconscious with the gun in his hand, then went to find cover.

He saw Rong An rush forward to protect him.



. . . . . . .

Bombing was also taking place in Luobing thousands of miles away.

The Meteor Shower landed.

The sky was filled with flames, fireballs falling one after another.

Huntsman’s aircraft landed on top of a tall hill. He was standing at the window at this moment, and chuckled as he watched the mechas and aircraft being blasted to pieces below.

Their Meteor Shower had been modified to be stronger over many years, and now the flat ground was burning up like volcanic magma.

Huntsman turned and went to the deck.

“Have you taken stock?”

“Eh…..” Huntsman’s subordinate hesitated slightly.

Huntsman frowned. He looked at the expressions of the people around him, and his smile faded away. “What is it?”

“There is nobody.”


The subordinate bit the bullet and said: “Reporting, there is nobody in the Empire’s aircraft and mechas. They are empty, and the material of the mechas and aircraft are all inferior iron.”


Huntsman’s eyes narrowed.

How could this be?

These were obviously the coordinates given by Rong An, and the location of the Empire’s forces. They had an excellent ambush position!

Could it be……


Another explosion sounded. Huntsman’s heart sank. When he turned his head, he saw the Empire attacking from the rear.


Lucas’s Lion One was in the lead.

“Kill! Don’t leave a single one alive!” Lucas’s eyes were red.

The same Meteor Shower, the same descent.

But this time, at last, there was a different ending.

Seeing the densely-packed Empire forces rushing forward like a tide, Huntsman clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth.


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Chapter Eighty-Seven << Table of Contents >> Chapter Eighty-Nine

5 thoughts on “O Pretends To Be B for the Violent Admiral – Chapter 88: The Secretary, Commanding Officer

  1. man my heart sank when they said that Rong An was a traitor, mainly because I ship Rong An with Ran Ran’s brother Luo Xingyuan…


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