Strong Winds Return Home – Chapter Eighty-Eight

Such a straightforward way of replying to a letter was comparable to the concise and to the point Liu family letter with the word “Okay” printed on it. It could be seen that the two were indeed a match made in heaven, and had specially selected the person with the greatest affinity to get close to.

Liu Xian’an asked: “What will happen after the Emperor receives the letter?”

Liang Shu said: “There is an eighty percent chance he will break my legs.”

But broken was broken, ba. It wasn’t a big problem. A broken leg could be healed, and there was even a doctor at the ready. However, Liu Xian’an felt that it was better for them not to be broken. Liang Shu saw that his brow was slightly furrowed, as if he was really thinking about the matter. It was both distressing and cute. He couldn’t help but lean closer to ask: “What, a forty-eight thousand year-old immortal also cares about these worldly affairs? I thought you would disregard it and drag me to the ends of the earth.”

“I didn’t care at first,” Liu Xian’an said, “but the prince is really troublesome.”

The trouble was that the general of the whole country could not resign casually, and someone from the Imperial family could not elope to the mountains and forests to live in seclusion. In any case, there were many free and romantic things that His Royal Highness Xiao Wang could not do now.

Avoiding trouble now would only lead to greater trouble in the future, so it was best to proceed step by step.

Liang Shu didn’t feel that he was trouble at all, and had no sense of guilt. On the contrary, he quite easily exploited the situation to his advantage, sighing deeply. I have neither romance nor freedom, so pitiful, kiss me for a while.

Liu Xian’an said in his arms: “Okay.”

And the kisses of His Royal Highness Xiao Wang had always been dishonest, not like meeting each other in the golden wind and jade dew, but more like collecting a debt with interest. His thumb first slid from the cheek to the knot of his throat, pressing down on the mole the size of a sesame seed. He rubbed it repeatedly, then lowered his head and bit it with his teeth. The two of them were at the table first, and later rolled together on the bed. He wore a lot of clothes in winter, but Liu Xian’an could still feel the hands grasping his waist, so hard that they almost left bruises.

He didn’t dislike being completely controlled by the other party beneath the bed curtains. On the contrary, this kind of good thing that only required cooperation but not initiative was quite in line with his usual lazy style.

Thus, he lay down restfully and was about to embrace the god of dreams, but because he was so restful, Liang Shu had to stop and pinch his nose, calling: “Don’t sleep.”

“Not sleeping.”

“If you’re not sleeping, why aren’t you moving?”

Why do I need to move, Liu Xian’an thought. This person is really difficult to serve! So he turned over cooperatively and opened his arms to him again. I moved, come here.

Liang Shu stopped and lay on the bed with his head pillowed on his arms, no longer in the mood.

Liu Xian’an had no choice but to coax him, okay, ba, then I will do some more research later.

The method of research, of course, was to recruit a few new guests to the Three Thousand Worlds. When A-Ning received this new task, he was stunned. First, he asked in a whisper, you’re just fine, why do you need books on this topic? After asking, he stammered, at present…..the prince…’s too early, ba. The Emperor doesn’t know and the Village Master doesn’t know either. Bear with it for a while, Young Master, and we’ll talk about it when we return to Baihe City.

Then he found an excuse and ran away. Fearing that he would be stopped if he ran too late, he said while running: “I’m going to find medicine for Song-xiansheng!”

This was the medicine written down in the servant’s ancient book. There were many trees in the Southwest, and the air was damp. There was no telling how many unique plants and flowers grew in the wild forests. Many of them were similar in appearance and extremely difficult to identify, and it took a lot of effort to find all of them even though they were disciples from Baihe Mountain Village.

Liu Xian’an temporarily halted Song Changsheng’s previous treatment plan. The rest of the doctors in the city were also taking this opportunity to study, and had been accompanying the doctor in the government office these days. Most of them were locals, but they had never heard of Huanxi Toad Venom and couldn’t quite understand the antidote. Thus, they cautiously asked, shouldn’t the miracle doctor think twice?

“I’ll try this for two days first.” Liu Xian’an said, “If he doesn’t improve, then I’ll go back to the previous treatment.”

Seeing that he was so persistent, the doctors could say no more. After all, the blue poisonous ivy on Song-xiansheng’s face really looked horrifying, and the authority of Baihe Mountain Village was indeed unquestionable. More importantly, even Song Changsheng himself had no objection to this, so that night, Liu Xian’an switched the medicine for him.

The first day was fine, and he passed the night without incident. In the early morning of the next day, the group of doctors were still watching him, studying whether the blue lines were getting darker or lighter, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

But in the afternoon, Liu Xian’an was slowly dispensing medicine in the courtyard when he suddenly saw A-Ning rush in, out of breath. He said: “Young Master, Young Master…..Song-xiansheng seems to be dying.”

“Talk slowly, why is he dying?” Liu Xian’an put down the basket in his hand. “Didn’t he look fine when I went to see him just now?”

“He vomited a lot of blood, and the blood was all, all blue.” A-Ning coughed. “While talking, Doctor Li was sprayed all over.”

“Let’s go.” Liu Xian’an wiped his hands. “I’ll have a look.”

There were seven or eight doctors crammed into the room, and Song Changsheng lay on the bed, his face ashen. Seeing that Liu Xian’an had come, the others hurriedly made way for him and shakily told him the situation just now: “It seems that even his heartbeat nearly stopped.”

Liu Xian’an tested Song Changsheng’s pulse, then turned to A-Ning and said: “Give me the medicine.”

A-Ning hurriedly fetched a bottle of pills, hydrated them with water, and fed them to Song Changsheng. A doctor asked curiously, “What kind of medicine is this?”

Liu Xian’an said: “Pills made by Baihe Mountain Village that can save lives in critical situations. A-Ning, where is the prince?”

“The prince already knows about this.” A-Ning notified him in a whisper, “I heard that Lieutenant General Gao immediately arrested Si’er.”

Si’er was that little servant, whose name was Wei Si. When he was arrested, he screamed continuously that he really didn’t know anything, and was currently being locked up in the dungeon. A-Ning asked, do you want to call him in for questioning?

“No need, I can’t look after him.” Liu Xian’an said, “Go get the silver needles, and make the brazier in the room even warmer.”

All the doctors agreed and went to work on their own. Those who had nothing to do still gathered around the bed to watch, inevitably muttering in their hearts, the treatment was very good, but the prescription had to suddenly be changed. He wouldn’t listen to any persuasion. Everything was fine, and now wasn’t there a different problem? Looking at Song-xiansheng’s current state, they really didn’t know how many days…..or how many hours he could live.

Although the government ordered that no news be leaked, there was no impenetrable wall in the world, and there were always maids, servants, doctors, and medicine boys who came and went in and out of the courtyard. So soon, all the common people in the city knew that Song Changsheng’s condition had suddenly worsened, and he probably wouldn’t survive.

“This……didn’t they say he was almost cured?”

“Who knows.”

Liu Xian’an kept him alive for three days in a row, and during these three days, all kinds of rumors arose in the city. Of course, there were people with ulterior motives among them. On behalf of the heretical cult, they only said that Song Changsheng had offended the Holy Maiden and killed the envoy, so how could he survive? Let alone a miracle doctor, even a god would find it difficult to heal him.

Fear could speed up the spread of rumors. For a while, even four or five-year-old dolls were chanting and singing nursery rhymes related to the Baifu Sect.

“What are you singing!” After the adults understood it, they quickly covered the children’s mouths and scolded, “Be careful not to be caught by the officials!”

“We won’t be taken away,” a little girl said naively. “When Xiao Fuzi was teaching me yesterday, that official servant Brother Liu[1] was standing right across from us.”

“That’s because he didn’t hear it clearly. If he heard it clearly, you would go to prison!” The adult walked back with her in her arms. “Don’t go out to play during this time.”


Without the children playing in the streets, it was deserted and dull.

On the fourth day, Song Changsheng died.

The doctors packed up their medicine boxes and slipped out of the manor one by one. None of them dared to say anything. Everyone said that the prince’s expression at that time, ah…..they really felt that the heads on their necks were about to be plucked. And Second Young Master Liu was completely exhausted. He staggered and swayed when he walked, and his vision went dark when he stood up, causing him to knock his head when he passed out.

It was true that he knocked his head. His Royal Highness Xiao Wang was painstakingly applying ointment for him, but the ointment was an unsightly reddish-purple color. A thin line trickled down his forehead, and Liu Xian’an had to remind him: “This medicine was made by my father himself. The quantity is small and precious, don’t waste it.”

Liang Shu said: “I’ll put a little more on, it will heal faster.”

Liu Xian’an: “……Medical blindness.”

“Don’t speak.” Liang Shu said, “I haven’t taught you a lesson yet. You were just pretending, why did you really fall unconscious due to exhaustion?”

“Because there were too many people in the room. Those doctors were with me at all times. I also have to wonder, weren’t they tired?” Liu Xian’an was also very gloomy when this matter was mentioned. “So I could only make do with Song-xiansheng’s bed for a while.”

Liang Shu used the back of his hand to wipe the medicine that had flowed elsewhere, rubbing red and purple across his face.

Liu Xian’an: “…….” You people from the Northwest Military Camp are really not particular, ah!

In the end, he got out of the other party’s arms and applied the medicine himself. Halfway through the application, A-Ning ran in again. He lay on the window and whispered: “Young Master, Lieutenant General Gao and the others are ready to act, so I’ll go join the fun!”

Liu Xian’an waved his hand, go, come back and tell me after you’re done.

As for where to watch the excitement, it was naturally the prison.

The servant boy had already heard the news of Song Changsheng’s death at this time, and there was a strange smile of ecstasy on his face. He wasn’t even bothering to pretend. The jailor leaned against the door of the cell. Seeing this expression of incurable bewitchment, he warned indifferently, you committed such a crime, and I’m afraid you’ll be hacked to pieces by the prince. How can you be happy?

The boy ignored him, and only muttered to himself. The jailer became increasingly disdainful, and spat. He turned around to leave, but was knocked unconscious by somebody’s palm and fell to the ground with a thud.

The maid in white was covered by a light veil. The boy became even happier when he saw her, and rushed to the prison door: “Did the Holy Maiden ask this sister to come and rescue me?”

The maid cut off the iron chains and took his hand: “Let’s go!”

At this time, the sky was completely dark. A-Ning hid in the shadows and watched the two leave the manor all the way through the dim moonlight.

The Imperial guard next to him saw that he seemed to be very interested in this kind of excitement, so he simply lifted him by the collar and flew to follow after them.

A-Ning was caught off guard, and was fed a cold breeze.

He hurriedly covered his mouth and nose with a cloth towel, and the Imperial guard kindly reminded him: “No one will discover us.”

But A-Ning still insisted on covering up, because if he drank too much wind, it would be easy for cold to enter the body.

For the disciples of Baihe Mountain Village, the most important thing was to keep in good health, protect the stomach, and strengthen the spleen at all times.

The Imperial guard: “…….”

The maid led the servant all the way into a dark alley, where they disappeared.

The boy asked: “Are we going to see the Holy Maiden?”

Before the maid could answer, a sword shadow descended from the sky.

Ah!” the boy exclaimed, and was pushed aside heavily by the maid. Gao Lin swept across with a sword in one hand, almost cutting off his bun. The servant boy felt a chill on the top of his head, and fell to the ground with disheveled hair. He looked on helplessly as Gao Lin and the maid fought. A dog was barking in the distance. Flustered, he turned around and ran away.

It wasn’t until he ran so far away that his figure disappeared that Gao Lin kicked the maid to a government official who had been informed. Then, he jumped to the other side to chase after him.

Cough, cough!” The maid was escorted all the way to the manor. As soon as she entered the door, she began to tear the white gauze and mask off her face. After a lot of tugging, she finally revealed a man’s face.

The guards of Xiao Wang Manor were joking, I can’t see it, ah. You, boy, you’re still a graceful beauty, but you’re a bit fat. Remember to shave your beard clean next time.


On the other side, the boy also scrammed very quickly. He couldn’t go home, let alone outside the city gates, so he took advantage of the darkness to run straight toward the house in his memory. Seeing the familiar shadow of the tree looming in front of him, he desperately climbed up the wall and jumped into this “sacred place” that haunted his dreams.

[1] This is a different Liu ( 刘 ) than Liu Xian’an’s family.

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Chapter Eighty-Seven << Table of Contents >> Chapter Eighty-Nine

4 thoughts on “Strong Winds Return Home – Chapter Eighty-Eight

  1. I thought this was too obvious a trap for our smart babies. Hopefully that psycho girl is about to get what’s coming to her.


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