O Pretends To Be B for the Violent Admiral – Chapter 90: The Secretary And The Baby

Luo Ran stared blankly at his flat stomach.


It had only happened two times, and only once did he forget to take the medicine. Lucas was going to battle the next day, after all, so he was really distracted.

He wasn’t as diligent……

Luo Ran was a little tense.

Regardless of the current battle situation, an Omega would be very, very dependent on an Alpha’s pheromones when he was pregnant, and would become very clingy. Luo Ran was afraid that he would cause trouble for Lucas.

And perhaps it was due to the psychological effects, but Luo Ran felt that he missed Lucas even more.

Lucas had gone on expeditions away from the capital in the past several years, but Luo Ran hadn’t felt this way.

Luo Ran was a little upset.

It was he who had been negligent.

He should have taken the medicine.

Luo Ran called Lucas again.

Lucas wasn’t asleep either, or he had gone to sleep and woken up again.

“What is it?”

Luo Ran paused, then said: “Admiral, I…..I want to discuss something with you.”

“Tell me.”

Luo Ran took a deep breath and said: “What should we do if I’m pregnant?”


For a moment, there was silence on the other end.

Just when Luo Ran was so nervous that his head hurt, he heard a heartfelt “Fuck” from the other end.

“Fuck…..!” Lucas’s tone became tense. “Why so suddenly! Has your battleship set off? How long will it be? Is there any discomfort, does it hurt, are you very tired? I’ll tell Lao Wang not to let you go out…..”

Lucas began to babble wildly, and Luo Ran was dumbfounded by his words.

Lucas seemed to be more concerned about Luo Ran’s physical condition, and didn’t focus on the child for the moment.

“No, I’m not……”

“Luo Ran, stay in the room tomorrow and don’t walk around! There is a lot of radiation on the battleship, especially near the mecha! Be careful where you go!”

“……Admiral!” Luo Ran couldn’t laugh or cry. He said: “I’m not pregnant.”

At least, he hadn’t checked yet.


“Why didn’t you say so earlier!”

Luo Ran scratched his cheek, feeling very happy for some reason.

“I’m just…..asking what we should do if I was……”

“ ? ” Lucas was a little puzzled. “Just, if you were pregnant, ah?”

“En.” Luo Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

In their way of thinking, there was no concept of abortion.

After all, there was no need.

They were both people in good health who were going to spend the rest of their lives together.

After hanging up, Luo Ran thought about going for an examination the next day.

And Lucas nearly couldn’t sleep.

He was in a daze when Luo Ran brought it up, and didn’t start to react until now.

A child…..

The Imperial lion sat at the bedside, dazed once again.

He and Luo Ran hadn’t been intimate for long, and if there was a child in the future, would Luo Ran like the child more and ignore him?

But the little one might look similar to Luo Ran, made of his and Luo Ran’s blood.


It wasn’t impossible.

Lucas began to imagine his and Luo Ran’s children.

If they had children, then he and Luo Ran would be more closely linked.

They would have a family, lots of children and pets, and live in a little house together.

The Imperial lion began to laugh foolishly.

This was also pretty good.

What would the child’s name be?

Would it be male or female?

Would it be an Alpha, Beta, or Omega?

No matter what gender they were, they would be the heir to the military in the future.

Lucas was very confident that even if it was an Omega, his family’s Omega would be stronger than other Alphas, just like Luo Ran.

Thus, Lucas couldn’t sleep that night.

And Luo Ran’s battleship also joined Lucas’s brigade a day later to replenish supplies.

Luo Ran left the main control room and stood on the deck. He saw Lucas waiting for him on the pier, with Freeman and Zheng Lan beside him.

Luo Ran chuckled.

“Admiral.” Luo Ran and Luo Xingyuan disembarked the battleship with several adjutants and solemnly gave Lucas military salutes.

The two battleships were joined, and all the soldiers were present. Lucas glanced at Luo Ran and only nodded.

“Freeman, take inventory later.” Lucas said: “We’ll go to the meeting first.”

Only a few adjutants participated in the meeting, and they basically discussed their next strategies.

Now that the undercover agent had been caught, they could act with confidence, and their first battle also gave the Empire a great advantage.

Morale aside, Lucas himself bolstered their spirits. This battle had severely weakened the combat power of the star pirates, and they had little in the way of advantage.

It was a good opportunity to cut the weeds and pull up the roots.

After the meeting was over, the rest of the adjutants left very tactfully.

Only Luo Ran and Lucas were left in the room. Luo Ran said: “Admir—”


Luo Ran only felt dizzy as Lucas pressed him onto the table in the next moment.

Luo Ran lay on his back on the conference table. He looked at Lucas lying on top of him, and said in a daze: “Admiral…..”

Lucas bowed his head and kissed Luo Ran.


Luo Ran’s mind immediately became a little hazy, and the scent of tobacco wafted over his face. So comfortable……

Luo Ran raised his arms and embraced Lucas comfortably, his legs unconsciously wrapping around Lucas’s waist.

Luo Ran’s spiritual realm had been a little painful, and he had missed Lucas’s pheromones very much these days. This sense of dependence even caused him to ignore the possibility of outsiders coming in. He just wanted to absorb more, more of the scent that belonged to Lucas.

Secretary Luo, who was strategizing in the conference room and discussing plans with Lucas a moment ago, presently hugged Lucas with blurry eyes. Lucas’s breath came quicker.

Only he had such a Luo Ran.

Noticing that Lucas’s hands had become restless and his pheromones had changed, Luo ran immediately said: “Admiral, I will go to Xiaxia for a checkup later.

“ ? ”

Luo Ran whispered: “……I really am.”

“ ? ? ”

Lucas asked in a daze: “What?”

“……Pregnant.” Luo Ran turned his head with reddish ears. “Just like I said the other day……”


Lucas was frozen in place, turned into a lion statue.


After a moment of silence, Luo Ran was picked up by Lucas and held high.

“You’re pregnant……!”


“I have a child!”


“Right, okay.” Lucas quickly and carefully set Luo Ran down.

He didn’t know where to put his hands and feet.

“T-Then afterwards, you must have Xia Zhi give you a full-body checkup and prescribe medicine to recuperate……”

“And be sure to eat.”

“And take a picture later to see if it’s male or female……”

“Admiral, we won’t know until later. We can’t see it now.”

Ah, oh……”

Luo Ran couldn’t laugh or cry: “I thought the Admiral didn’t like children……”

“I didn’t like them at first, but now that I think about it, they’re not bad. There’s a baby. It’s yours and mine. It’s our baby.” 

Lucas hehe’d and said: “Besides, I went to ask Shen Xiluo today, and he said that you are an excellent 3S Omega and your body can adapt by itself. You’ll be fine in half a month, and my pheromones and scent can also help you to conceive. After the child is born, I can still have a two-person world with you. If the child dares to cling to you, I will beat him.”

Luo Ran: “…….”

Luo Ran didn’t know what to say.

Lucas had been excited since the phone call that day, and planned everything out.

But now, after seeing Luo Ran, he suddenly felt anxious.

Would it be painful? Would it be very difficult?

“Admiral?” Luo Ran glanced at Lucas and said: “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” Lucas said earnestly: “I will take good care of you.”

“Then…..since the Admiral has said so.” Luo Ran stepped forward and said with a smile: “A lifetime mark can also be put on the agenda.”

It just so happened that he had finished taking the medicine.

A lifetime mark could greatly reduce the distress caused by pregnancy.

Lucas was shocked.

Luo Ran said shyly: “I’ve already prepared.”

It just so happened that both he and Lucas had spiritual trauma, and could heal each other.

“……There’s no need to prepare.” Lucas hesitated for a long moment, then said: “Ranran, I won’t give you a lifetime mark.”

Luo Ran was taken aback.

“I’m sorry,” Lucas said, “but I won’t give it to you.”

Luo Ran frowned and said: “But the child……?”

“A child is a child. A lifetime mark is a different matter.”

As an Omega, Luo Ran offered a lifetime mark but was rejected. However, he wasn’t angry, and only smiled: “Admiral, you want to have a child, but you don’t want a lifetime mark?”

Lucas said nothing.

“Admiral.” Luo Ran stepped forward on tiptoe, wrapping his arms around Lucas’s neck. He teased: “How can an Omega request an Alpha to give a lifetime mark? You’ll become the scumbag that the Starnet says you are.”


“Admiral, may I ask, will you mark me for life?”

“…..Don’t do this!” Lucas gritted his teeth and said: “I won’t buy it.”

But Lucas’s ears were slightly red.

Fuck. This little bastard was shameless.

“Admiral.” Luo Ran hugged Lucas and buried his head in his neck.

Lucas couldn’t bear it any longer, and babbled: “Luo Ran, having a child is insurance for the future. If anything happens, the child will protect you after inheriting the Aldor estate. He can take care of you, and you will have a place. But a lifetime mark is the opposite of this. If something happens, you will……in any case, be sensible and don’t speak of this. I’m not buying your argument!”

Luo Ran was silent for a long moment.

“Admiral.” Luo Ran embraced Lucas, lowering his eyes as he said: “You’re making an assumption. It seems that you think I could live well after your death.”

“……” Lucas thought, Luo Ran was not a weak Omega. No matter what, he could recover slowly.

Luo Ran said: “Then I’ll tell you right now, I can’t.”

Lucas froze.

Luo Ran repeated: “I can’t.”


“You think I can do it now because you’re here.”


Lucas stared blankly at Luo Ran, feeling as if someone had stomped down hard on his heart.

“So the Admiral should stop being sentimental.” Luo Ran couldn’t laugh or cry: “Let’s be more straightforward. If there is a child, there should also be a lifetime mark. You don’t have to worry so much about life and death. After all, everyone dies. Let’s face it together and not overthink it.”


Lucas looked at Luo Ran, aggrieved.

He spoke to him as if he was a lovesick little girl.

“Okay.” Lucas hugged Luo Ran, and then pressed him against the wall to kiss him.

Luo Ran finished the negotiations with ease and put his arms around Lucas, enjoying the passionate but desperately restrained intimacy and pheromones of the big lion.

. . . . . . .

The next day, the news spread on the Starnet.

— The First Prince has fallen……

— The First Prince is dead, and his body has been sent back to the capital by the military!

XXXX: Oh my god…..I really didn’t expect him to collude with the star pirates! Ahhhh oh my god, how much money and supplies did he give the star pirates?! Wuwuwu the Admiral is fighting on the front lines, but he helped the star pirates create Meteor Showers. How could there be such a cheap person! He deserved what he got!

XXXX: This…..the testimonies of Cyril, Yuan Han, and the people around him adde up. The First Prince’s misdeeds could fill a book, right? !  Not to mention the two crimes of forcing himself on someone and oppressing Secretary Luo for the benefit of UNK, the fact that he poisoned the Admiral and the birthday banquet and colluded with the star pirates for the sake of revenge is incredible enough! What is going on with the Empire’s royal family?! He’s so greedy that he doesn’t qualify to be a human being! He fucking deserves it!

XXXX: Ahhhh, look at the report! I really lost my melons, this is too much! He deserved to die!

XXXX: Death is too little! Then when the battle is over, the Second Prince will take the throne, right?”

The Starnet was full of righteous indignation and insults toward the First Prince, everyone wanting to mix his ashes with shit.

Due to the downfall of the First Prince, the people in the Imperial palace had been switched out, and even the pheromone management department had a lot of personnel changes.

An insider broke the news that Secretary Luo was actually an Omega, and he had seen the report that his gender was changed due to his connections.

— One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

— Secretary Luo was an Omega?! The wonderful love was actually an AO match?!

XXXX: Ah, this…..I’m not a CP fan, so I can’t understand the excitement of CP fans, but it’s not a good thing for a high-level person to conceal their gender, right?

XXXX: Secretary Luo wasn’t Secretary Luo when he concealed his gender! I heard that he asked his friend to change it!

XXXX: I think it’s understandable. After all, Secretary Luo wasn’t an Omega before, and the First Prince was already eyeing him. If he were an Omega, wouldn’t he have just tied him up?! 

XXXX: +1, if Secretary Luo had the identity of an Omega, it would indeed cause a lot of inconvenience. The situation in the capital wasn’t clear before. And Secretary Luo hadn’t proved his strength before, so if he told others that he was an Omega, wouldn’t he have been just a piece of meat and a soft persimmon?

The Starnet was chaotic and lively.

Then the military department’s official account directly posted Luo Ran’s gender report, listing him as an SSS Omega.

It also sincerely apologized, indicating that it was inconvenient to disclose such a thing due to official business, but it was not intentionally concealed.

Luo Ran also forwarded the apology.

XXXX: Ahhhh 3S Omega! So can we look forward to an excellent heir to the Empire?!

XXXX: God, a 3S Omega and a 3S Alpha. The children born of this won’t be able to directly destroy the galaxy, right?!

XXXX: How Many 3S’s have there been between ancient and modern times! ! ! This is the hope of the Empire!

The words “excellent heir to the Empire” immediately scrolled across the screen, and they didn’t know that Luo Ran was already pregnant.

……But he really was.

Looking at the excited chatter of everyone on the Starnet, Luo Ran was a little dumbfounded.

The war was still going on at present, and for Luo Ran’s safety, it couldn’t be publicized for the time being. Otherwise, the Starnet would probably be even more excited.

At this moment, Luo Ran was heading to the conference room with a stack of official documents.

They were going to discuss the giant insect. The investigation team had discovered its resting place, which was a cave not far away, but no one disturbed it.

“Secretary Luo…..!”

Wang Qiuyang ran over panting, then stretched out his hands and said: “How can you carry such a heavy load! Let me do it!”

“……? ?”

Although Luo Ran’s pregnancy could not be made public, the adjutants around Lucas and several familiar high-level officials already knew about it.

Luo Ran stared blankly at the documents Wang Qiuyang took away, which he could pick up with one finger.

Wang Qiuyang was also looking at Luo Ran’s stomach with eyes full of expectation, affection, and concern, as if he was looking at the hope of the future of the Empire.

Luo Ran: “……..”

Soon after, they arrived at the conference room. Luo Ran was about to open the door when Freeman, who happened to be there, rushed forward and opened it for Luo Ran.

“Secretary Luo, please come in!”

Everyone was afraid that Luo Ran would be uncomfortable at a single touch.

When Luo Ran went in and sat down, he saw Lucas pushing a cup of warm water toward him.

Lucas said: “I just went to get it. Drink more warm water.”


Holding the warm water, Luo Ran couldn’t laugh or cry.

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Chapter Eighty-Nine << Table of Contents >> Chapter Ninety-One

6 thoughts on “O Pretends To Be B for the Violent Admiral – Chapter 90: The Secretary And The Baby

  1. Oh my! I had my doubts but RanRan is really pregnant haha i just wish we could witness the moment where he made the test and it wasnt just speculations, pacing feels faster than the previous chapters but maybe author is just excited to write about their children? Hahaha
    Thank you for the chap!

    Liked by 1 person

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